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Regeneration Schemes

Lyminster Bypass (A284) & Fitzalan Road extension

The Lyminster Bypass will provide improved infrastructure as part of the North Littlehampton Masterplan. The construction of the road is a joint venture co-ordinated between West Sussex County Council and Persimmon Homes. It will alleviate traffic issues through Lyminster Village by connecting Littlehampton with a new strategic north-south link to A27.

The Lyminster Bypass scheme has North and South stages, both provided by West Sussex County Council; with an additional Fitzalan Link Road project being provided by Permisson Homes, that will be approximately two miles long. The new roadways will relieve congestion on the existing A284 Lyminster Road and Lyminster level crossing. A Fly Through Visualisation video is available on YouTube to see imagery of the completed project. Fitzalan Road link will create a continuous northward corridor to connect directly to A259, continuing onwards to Lyminster Bypass South and North joining to A27 at Crossbush. The proposed bypass will be a 7.3m wide dual carriageway with a pedestrian access and cycleway. A new viaduct will be constructed over the railway link and flood plain to ensure that there is no increase in flood risk.

The total estimated cost for the scheme is £21.6m which is jointly funded by the Coast to Capital Local Economic Partnership, West Sussex County Council with private developer contributions. The entire stretch should be completed by autumn 2023 and will improve accessibility to Littlehampton and assist with the economic growth in the area.


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